Family 309, Peru

Family 309

Family 309, Peru
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Family 309

Family 309, Peru
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Peru. F is 44 years old and she is a farmer. Her daughter P is 19 years old and she is a cook in a restaurant. Franseca’s 4 children live with her in a 4-bedroom house. They like the size of the house, however, they dislike the toilet facility and the lack of heating. They moved in the area for better education opportunities for the children. The family’s next big plan is to buy a Blender and a DVD player. Their dream is to be able to buy a refrigerator.

The family lives in Peru. F is 44 years old and she is a farmer. She lives with her 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. Her eldest daughter P is 19 years old and she is a cook at a restaurant. Her other children, 16-year-old son E and 13-year-old son R are both students, and her youngest daughter C is 1 year old. The family lives in a 4-bedroom house, which they own, and have been living here for 10 years. They like the size of the house, however, they dislike the toilet facility and the lack of heating. They moved in the area for better education opportunities for the children. The house has uninterrupted electricity, a toilet in the yard, and water supply which isn’t fit for drinking. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. In the kitchen, they use LPG fuel and wood for cooking. The family hardly saves any money. They have been to Kimbiri, in Peru on their furthest trip. Their next big plan is to buy a Blender and a DVD player. Their dream is to be able to buy a refrigerator.

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