Family 119, Mexico

Family 119

Family 119, Mexico
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Family 119

Family 119, Mexico
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Mexico. The husband is 51 years old and is a freelance computing teacher. His wife M is 48 years old and they have 2 children. They own and live in a 3-bedroom house that has been their residence for 5 years. Their next big spending plan is to buy a stove and their dream is to own a building.

The family lives in Mexico. The husband is 51 years old and is a freelance computing teacher. His wife M is 48 years old and she is primarily a housewife but also sells glass jewellery that she makes. They live with their son, 19 years old, who is unemployed, and their daughter, 16 years old, who is a student. The husband works for 43 hours per week. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house, which they own. They've been living there for the past 5 years. The house has reliable electricity, running water, and a toilet facility. The family buys 98% of their food, which costs them about 40% of their income, and produce the remaining 2% themselves. They use propane fuel for cooking. The family saves money but they also have loans to repay. The next big thing they plan to buy is a new stove and they dream of buying a building. They sometimes go on vacation and have gone as far as Japan on one of their trips.

Photo by: Lucia Rodrigez
All families in Mexico