Family 54, Indonesia

Family 54

Family 54, Indonesia
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Family 54

Family 54, Indonesia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Indonesia. K is 48 years old and works as a driver. His wife P is 41 years old and she is a shop owner. They are parents to 2 children and live with them in a 4-room house. The family owns the house and have been living here for 7 years. Their next big plan is to buy a new bed and their dream is to buy a new car, someday.

The family lives in Indonesia. K is 48 years old and he works as a driver for a travel agency. His wife P is 41 years old and she is a shop owner. They have two sons: F, 8 years old, and G, 4 years old. The family has lived in their house for 7 years. They own the house and some agricultural land. The house has unreliable electricity supply, a drinking water well in the yard, and an indoor toilet facility. The family purchases 90% of their food supplies, which costs them less than 30% of their income. The rest 10% of their food is provided by gifts or other sources. The last vacation that the family took was about three months ago, and lasted for a week. The farthest they have traveled is to Japan. They do save money. Their next big plan is to purchase a bed and their dream is to buy a new car some day.

Photo by: Gito Nirboyo
All families in Indonesia