Family 71, Liberia

Family 71

Family 71, Liberia
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Family 71

Family 71, Liberia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Liberia. T is 56 years old and she lives with her two daughters. They live in a rented 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 10 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is a piece of land. Their dream is to one day be able to build a house on their own land.

The family lives in Liberia. T is 56 years old and she lives with her two daughters; G 1-year-old and F 15 years old. F is a student. The mother works 75 hours per week as a saleswoman, selling water, charcoal, and other items. T has lived in this dwelling with her family for 10 years. There is no electricity or toilet. Toilet facilities are shared with many families. Drinking water is provided by her job, as one of the items T sells. She spends about 80% of her income on food supplies. She uses charcoal for cooking in the kitchen. T isn’t saving any money, but plans to purchase land and dreams of building a home on her own land.

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Liberia