Family 58, India

Family 58

Family 58, India
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Family 58

Family 58, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. S is 77 years old and his wife, J, is 73 years old. Both are retirees and live with their 3 family members in a 2-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 24 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car. Their dream is to be able to buy some gold.

The family lives in India. S is 77 years old and is a retiree. His wife, J, is 73 years old and is also a retiree. They have 2 sons. H is 29 years old and works as a financial researcher, while B is 26 years old and works as a researcher. Living with them is their landlady, L who is 53 years old and a relative. She works as an exporter. The family has been living in their 2-bedroom house for 24 years. They own the house and also another house. It has uninterrupted electricity supply, running water, and an indoor toilet. The family buys all of their food supplies, spending 30% of their income on it. They use propane for cooking in the kitchen. The family is saving money. They are planning to buy a car and hope one day to fulfill their dream of buying gold.

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