Family 225, China

Family 225

Family 225, China
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Family 225

Family 225, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. Z is 53 years old and he is an Industrial investor. His wife X is 50 years old and she is a manager in an insurance company. They have a daughter J, 24 years old, and she is a graduate student in USA. The family lives with their 2 parents in a 3-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 14 years. The best thing they like about their house is its location and roof garden, but they dislike its surroundings which are a bit noisy due to traffic on the nearby road.

The family lives in China. Z is 53 years old and he is an Industrial investor. His wife X is 50 years old and she is a manager in an insurance company. They have a daughter J, 24 years old, and she is a graduate student in USA. They live with their 2 parents who are both retirees. Father H is 77 years old, and mother S is 75 years old. Z and his wife both work for 70 hours/week. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house and have been living here for 14 years. They own the house and like its location and roof garden, but they dislike that the surroundings are a bit noisy due to traffic on the nearby road. Their house has uninterrupted electricity, running water, and toilet facility. They also own some agricultural land. The family spends 30% of their income on buying all their food supplies. Drinking water is available inside their home and is safe to drink. In the kitchen, they use natural gas for cooking. The family is saving money and they also go on vacations. They have visited as far as Beijing. Their most favorite thing in the house is the roof garden.

Photo by: Jianxing Cheng
All families in China