Family 42, China

Family 42

Family 42, China
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Family 42

Family 42, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. W is 68 years old and works as a farmer. She lives with her son, daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter. They live in a 2-bedroom house where they have been living for 4 generations. They like it because of its location and they grew up here. The thing that bothers them is the quality of the house. Their most valuable asset in the house is their granddaughter. The next thing they plan on buying is cooking oil and rice. Their dream is to buy enough food supplies to fulfill the needs of their family.

The family lives in China. W is 68 years old and works as a farmer. She lives with her granddaughter L, who is 4 years old, while her son N, 35 years old and her daughter-in-law, U, 38 years old, work as farm labourers in another province. Together the adults work 258 hours a week. The family lives in a 2-bedroom home, built inside a large cave dwelling where their ancestors have lived for more than 100 years. They also own some land. Their house has electricity, but there are frequent interruptions. They have water in their own yard but it is not safe to drink. They have an outside toilet that is shared with 18 other families. They produce most of their own food but 90% of their income is spent on buying the rest. They use wood for cooking and Wangwenmei spends 14 hours a week collecting firewood. The family is not saving any money. They are planning to buy some rice and cooking oil. They are hoping one day to fulfil their dream of buying enough food for the family.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China