Family 33, China

Family 33

Family 33, China
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Family 33

Family 33, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. L is 56 years old and his wife W is 54 years old. They both work as a fisherman. They live with their daughter and her 2 family members in a 3-bedroom house. The family own the house, grew up in it, and have been living here for 35 years. They like the location and surroundings of the house, but aren’t happy with the transport facilities in the area. Their most favorite items are the pet birds and their dream is to buy a new house for their grandson.

The family lives in China. L is 56 years old and is a fisherman. His wife W, 54 years old, and daughter M, 33 years old, are also fishermen. Their son-in-law Y, 35 years old, is a chicken farmer, and their grandson B, 11 years old, is a student. The family works for a total of 285 hours/week. The family lives in a 3-bedroom home, which they own. They’ve been living there for the past 35 years. They like the house’s location, which is where they grew up, and its surroundings, but aren’t happy with the transport facilities in the area. The house has reliable electricity and the toilet is outside the house but not shared with other households. The family buys 100% of their food, which costs them about 50% of their income. Water is available outside the home and is safe to drink. They use electricity, natural gas, and wood as fuel for their stove. The family saves money. They’ve never been on vacation but they’ve gone as far as Tokyo, Japan. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a new house for their grandson.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China