Family 90, Nepal

Family 90

Family 90, Nepal
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Family 90

Family 90, Nepal
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Nepal. C is 55 years old and is a retired pensioner. His wife G is 42 years old and she works on road constructions. They have been living with their two sons, in a 2-bedroom home, for 8 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is food supplies. Their dream is to buy a TV someday.

The family lives in Nepal. C is 55 years old and is unemployed. His wife G is 42 years old and she works on road constructions. They live with their sons V, 24 years old, and E, 19 years old, who both work as painters. Together, the family works for a total of 120 hours/week. The family lives in a rent-free 2-bedroom house, which they built with friends and relatives. They’ve been living there for the past 8 years. The house has no electricity and the toilet is outside and not shared with other households. Despite their income, they live in a low quality house since their expenses (expense on food, savings for higher education, or savings for a good apartment) hardly leaves any room to afford a higher living standard. They also own another dwelling and agricultural land. The family has to buy 99% of their food and produce the remaining 1% themselves. Buying food supplies cost them about 90% of their income. They use propane fuel for cooking. Every week, the family spends one hour collecting water, 5 hours collecting wood, 21 hours on home agricultural activities and 5 ½ hours doing housework. C also spends 1-2 hours/week training for a job. The family hardly saves any money because most of it is spent on food. They’ve never been on a vacation but they have gone as far as Beirut, Lebanon. The next thing they plan to buy is more food. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a television.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in Nepal