Family 229, India

Family 229

Family 229, India
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Family 229

Family 229, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. H is 40 years old and he is an employee in a private company. His wife S is 36 years old and they have 2 children who live with them in a one-bedroom house. They like their house because of its location but they aren’t happy with its small size. Their next big plan is to buy a motorcycle and an emergency power supply unit (UPS). Their dream is to buy some jewelry.

The family lives in India. H is 40 years old and he works a private job. His wife S is 36 years old and they have two sons, M, 15 years old, and U, 13 years old. Both their sons are students. H works 55 hours per week. The family lives in a one-bedroom house and have been living here for 8 years. They own the house and like it because of its location, however, they don’t like its small size. The house has indoor toilet and water facility, but the electricity supply is unreliable and fails 3 times a week. Drinking water is also available inside the house and is sometimes safe to drink. The family spends around 30% of their income on buying all their food supplies. In the kitchen, they use propane for cooking. The family is saving money and the next thing they plan on buying is a motorcycle and an emergency power supply unit (UPS). Their dream is to be able to buy some jewelry.

Photo by: Swapan Banik
All families in India