Family 144, Thailand

Family 144

Family 144, Thailand
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Family 144

Family 144, Thailand
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Thailand. N is 60 years old and she works as a street vendor. Her husband L is 60 years old and he is unemployed. They live with their 2 grandchildren in a 1-room house. The house is a temporary shelter and has been their residence for 10 years. Their dream is to help the grandchildren get an education.

The family lives in Thailand. N is 60 years old and she works as a street vendor. Her husband L is 60 years old and he is unemployed. They live with their granddaughter P, 15 years old, and their grandson T, 7 years old, who are students. N works for a total of 144 hours/week. The family lives in a single-room house, which they built and is free of rent. They've been living there for the past 10 years. The house has electricity, running water, and a toilet not shared with other households. The family has to buy all their food supplies, which cost them about 50% of their income. They use electricity and natural gas for cooking but don’t cook regularly in the house. Safe drinking water is available inside the house. The family doesn’t save money but they sometimes go on vacation. The furthest they have ever been was Phichit, Thailand. Their dream is to help the grandchildren get an education.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in Thailand