Family 323, Serbia

Family 323

Family 323, Serbia
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Family 323

Family 323, Serbia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Serbia. They are 3 adults and 4 children. D is 49 years old and she is a housewife. Her husband J is 54 years old and he is a small scale farmer. They live with their family in a 2-bedroom house. Their house is of ample size for their family, however, they dislike its location and surroundings. Their most favorite item in the house is their TV. The next big thing they plan on buying is an oven, and their dream is to buy an apartment for their children.

The family lives in Serbia. They are 3 adults and 4 children. D is 49 years old and she is a housewife. Her husband J is 54 years old and he is a mechanic and a small scale farmer. Their 3 children; 2 sons, L and S both 8 years old, and a daughter T, 16 years old, are all students. Their daughter-in-law K, 22 years old, and a grand-daughter N, one year old, also lives with them. The family lives in a 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 21 years. They own the house and like its spacious size, however, they dislike its location and surroundings. The house has indoors toilet facility and water supply. It also has electricity supply but it fails at least 3 times a week, lasting at least an hour. The family produces around 90% of their food supplies themselves while the rest is purchased from the market. In the kitchen, they use natural gas for cooking. Drinking water is available at their home and is safe for consumption. The family has traveled to Vlasotince, a town in southern Serbia, on their furthest trip. Their most favorite item in the house is the TV. The next big thing they plan on buying is a cooking oven. Their dream is to buy an apartment for their children.

Photo by: Darko Rajkovic
All families in Serbia