Family 117, Nigeria

Family 117

Family 117, Nigeria
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Family 117

Family 117, Nigeria
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Nigeria. N is 42 years old and is a farmer. His wife P is 30 years old and she is also a farmer. They are parents to 2 children and live with them in a rented 1-room house. Their favorite item is the saved money kept in their room. The next thing they plan on buying is a boat, and their dream is to buy a motorbike someday.

The family lives in Nigeria. N is 42 years old and is a farmer. His wife P is 30 years old and she is a farmer and a housewife. They live with their daughter T, 3 years old, and a son D, 4 months old. The family lives in a rented one-room house. They’ve been living there for the past 40 years. The house has no electricity, running water or toilet. The family buys 70% of their food and produces the remaining 30% themselves. They use wood for cooking in the kitchen. P spends 7 hours a week collecting drinking water from a nearby water source and 14 hours collecting wood. The family hardly saves any money because most of it is spent on food and rent. They’ve never been on vacation and the furthest they have ever been was Sokoto, Nigeria. The next big thing they plan to buy is a boat. They hope that one day they might be able to fulfill their dream of buying a motorbike.

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Nigeria