Family 219, South Korea

Family 219

Family 219, South Korea
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Family 219

Family 219, South Korea
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in South Korea. S is 58 years old and is an engineer. He lives with his wife W, 55 years old, and son H, 26 years old. The family lives in their 3-bedroom apartment. They like the comfort and spaciousness of the apartment, and its nice view of the forest. The only thing that bothers them is that the apartment building is too big with lots of apartments. Their favorite item in the house is the massage chair. The next big thing the family plans on buying is a new massage chair. Their dream is to one day buy a fancy SUV (4x4 vehicle).

The family lives in South Korea. S is 58 years old and is an engineer. His wife W is 55 years old and she is a housewife. They live with their son H, 26 years old, who is an air force officer. Together, father and son work for a total of 100 hours/week. The family owns their 3-bedroom apartment. They’ve been living there for the past 10 years. They like that the apartment has a nice view of the forest but they find the building too big. The apartment has reliable electricity, running water, and toilet facility. The family has to buy 100% of its food, which costs them about 30% of their income. They use propane fuel for cooking in their kitchen. Safe drinking water is available in the home. W spends 14 hours a week doing housework. The family saves money and they sometimes go on vacation. The furthest they have ever been was Bangkok, Thailand. The next big thing they plan to buy is a new massage chair. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a sports utility vehicle.

Photo by: Luc Forsyth
All families in South Korea