Family 136, United States

Family 136

Family 136, United States
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Family 136

Family 136, United States
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in United States. N is 36 years old and she is a photographer. Her husband G is 34 years old and he works as an office clerk. They are parents to 2 children and they live in a rented 4-room apartment. Their next plan is to buy an apartment and they dream of buying their own house someday.

The family lives in United States. N is 36 years old and she is a freelance photographer. Her husband G is 34 years old and he works as an office clerk. They live with their daughter L, 6 years old, and their son B, 4 years old. Together, the couple works for a total of 46 hours/week. The family lives in a 4-room rented apartment. They've been living there for the past 1 year. Their apartment has reliable electricity, running water, and toilet facility. The family buys all their food supplies, which costs them about 30% of their income. They use electricity for cooking in the kitchen. Safe drinking water is available in the home. N spends an extra 15 hours per week doing housework and G spends 5 hours per week in an unpaid job/training. The family saves money but are also repaying a loan. They sometimes go on vacation and the furthest place they have ever been was Germany. The next thing they plan to buy is an apartment. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a house.

Photo by: Anna Graboowska
All families in United States