Family 159, Sweden

Family 159

Family 159, Sweden
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Family 159

Family 159, Sweden
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Sweden. P is 34 years old and is an artist. His wife S is 39 years old and she works as a sociologist. They are parents to 2 children and live with them in a rented 2-bedroom apartment. The apartment has been their residence for 10 years and they like it because it’s low rent and close to the metro, however, they aren’t happy with the apartment’s elevator which is too small. Their favorite item is their car and their next big plan is to buy an outdoor pool. They dream of one day being able to buy a family island home and classic cars.

The family lives in Sweden. P is 34 years old and is an artist. His wife S is 39 years old and she works as a social worker and sociologist. They live with their son C, 10 years old, and daughter V, 5 years old, who are students. Together, the couple works for a total of 90 hours/week. The family lives in a rented 2-bedroom apartment and have been living there for the past 10 years. They like that the apartment has a balcony, which gives them a view of the surrounding area, is relatively cheap to rent, and close to the metro. The house has reliable electricity, safe running water, and a toilet. They also own a house and land. The family buys all their food supplies, which cost them about 30% of their income. Drinking water is available at their home and is safe to drink. They use natural gas for cooking in their kitchen. The family saves money and sometimes goes on vacation. The furthest they have ever been was Tbilisi, Georgia. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying an outdoor pool, old cars, and even an island, where they could live with all their friends.

Photo by: Moa Karlberg
All families in Sweden