Family 322, South Africa

Family 322

Family 322, South Africa
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Family 322

Family 322, South Africa
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in South Africa. They are 3 adults and 1 child. B is 48 years old and he is self-employed. His wife G is 50 years old and she is a receptionist. They live with their grandmother and a daughter in a 2-bedroom house. They like the house’s location but are worried about crime in the surroundings. Their favorite item in the house is their clothes. The next big thing they are planning on buying is a bigger car and their dream is to buy a holiday house.

The family lives in South Africa. B is 48 years old and he is self-employed. His wife G is 50 years old and she is a receptionist. They live with their daughter R, 16 years old and a student, and grandmother, J, 86 years old and a retired pensioner. The family lives in a 2-bedroom house which they own. They have been living there for 18 years and are happy with its location near their family, however, crime in the surroundings worries them. They have uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilet facility, and running water in the house. The family buys all their food supplies from the market which cost them around 50% of their income. They use natural gas to cook their food. Drinking water is also available at their home and is safe to drink. The family is saving money and their next big plan is to buy a bigger car. They have been on vacations and have traveled to Gansbaai, a tourist destination in South Africa on their farthest trip. Their dream is to buy a holiday house.

All families in South Africa