Family 386, Sweden

Family 386

Family 386, Sweden
Home of

Family 386

Family 386, Sweden
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Sweden. They are 2 adults. K is 25 years old and she works a professional office job. She lives with her partner in a rented 1-bedroom apartment. They like the location of their apartment which is close to their workplace and relatives. Their favorite item in the home is their Panda toy. The next big thing they plan on buying is a bike. Their dream is to buy a horse.

The family lives in Sweden. They are 2 adults. K and J are partners and they both are 25 years old. K has a professional office job and J is a university student. The family lives in a rented 1-bedroom apartment. They have been living here for a year and moved here for work. Their apartment is close to their relatives and they like its location. It has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilet facility, and on-premises water supply. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. In the kitchen, they use electricity for cooking and tap water for drinking. The family is saving money and they go on vacations. They have been to Seoul, in South Korea on their furthest trip. Their favorite item in the home is their Panda toy. The next big thing they plan on buying is a bike. Their dream is to buy a horse.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Sweden