Family 221, Palestine

Family 221

Family 221, Palestine
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Family 221

Family 221, Palestine
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Palestine. S is 30 years old and works as a public relations officer. His wife N is 27 years old and she is a journalist. They are parents to 2 children and live with them in a 2-bedroom apartment located close to their family relatives. The apartment is of good quality, desirable size, and has nice surroundings. The next thing the family plans on buying is a carpet for their bedroom. Their favorite item in the house is jewelry. They dream that one day they might be able to afford a car.

The family lives in Palestine. S is 30 years old and works as a public relations officer. His wife N is 27 years old and she is a journalist. They have 2 kids, a son B, 3 years old, and daughter L, 6 years old. The family lives in a two-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for the past 4 years. The house has electricity but it suffers from power outage more than 3 times a week. The toilet and water supply are within the premises of the house. The family purchases 70% of their food supplies from the market, while the rest comes as gifts and from other sources. They use natural gas for cooking in their kitchen. The family is saving money for their future. Their favorite item in the house is jewelry. The next big thing they plan on buying is a new carpet for their bedroom. They dream that one day they might afford to buy a car.

Photo by: Eman Jomaa
All families in Palestine