Family 70, Liberia

Family 70

Family 70, Liberia
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Family 70

Family 70, Liberia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Liberia. L is 38 years old and is a fisherman. His wife, F, is 37 years old and she sells fish. They live with their 5 children in a rented 3-bedroom house and have been here for 12 years. Their next big plan is to buy a piece of land. Their dream is to buy a car someday.

The family lives in Liberia. L is 38 years old and his wife, F is 37 years old. They both are fishermen. They live with their 5 children, who are between 3 to 20 years of age, and of which the younger 2 are adopted. The family has lived in their current home for 12 years. The house has unstable electricity and no toilet, so the family uses outdoor toilet facility that is shared with many families. Drinking water is obtained by purchasing water from street vendors. The family purchases all their food supplies which cost them 80% of their total income. They use charcoal for cooking in the kitchen. The family is not currently saving money, but is planning to purchase some land and dreams of one day owning a car.

Photo by: Johan Eriksson
All families in Liberia