Family 277, India

Family 277

Family 277, India
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Family 277

Family 277, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. T, 57 years old, is an IT manager and his wife P, 49 years old, is a housewife. They live with their two sons in a 2-bedroom apartment which they own. The best thing about their apartment is its location and quality, however, they don’t like the noisy surroundings. The next big things they are planning to buy are headphones, mobile phone, and furniture. Their dream is to buy a MacBook and a luxury Audi Q7 car.

The family lives in India. T, 57 years old, is an IT manager and his wife P, 49 years old, is a housewife. They live with their 2 sons; N and S, who are both 19 years old and are students. The family lives in a 2-bedroom apartment that they own and has been living here for 20 years. The like the location and quality of the apartment, however, they dislike the noisy surroundings. Their apartment experiences electricity outage for an hour once per week; it has indoor toilet facility and safe water supply. The family buys all their food supplies from the market and spends around 70% of their income on it. They cook their food using electricity. Drinking water is also available at their home and safe to drink. The family has been on vacations and has travelled as far as Thimphu, Bhutan. Their favorite items in the house are their wallet, worship idols, cellphone, and laptop. They have been saving money and plan on buying headphones, mobile phone, and furniture. Their dream is to buy an Apple MacBook and a luxury Audi Q7 car.

Photo by: Daharani Reddy
All families in India