Family 24, Colombia

Family 24

Family 24, Colombia
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Family 24

Family 24, Colombia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Colombia. L is 48 years old and is a tailor. She lives with her 5 children in a 1-bedroom house and has been living here for 1½ years. The family moved here to escape the violence in rural areas. They like living here because all their family is here together. However, they dislike the quality of the house. Their dream is to buy a new better house for themselves someday. Their favorite items in the house are their documents and the next thing they plan on buying is food supplies.

The family lives in Colombia. L is 48 years old and works as a tailor. She lives with her 5 children. The eldest two of her children, 16-year-old daughter M and 15-year-old son P, assist her with the tailoring job. Together the family works for around 165 hours/week. The family lives in a one-bedroom house. It has brick walls and tin roof. It was built with the help of friends and relatives. The family owns the place and have been living here for about 1½ years. The house has uninterrupted electricity supply and the toilet is outside the house in the plot. The family purchases 70% of their food supplies from the market; the rest come as gifts or from other sources. The food costs them 70% of their income. Drinking water is collected once every month and costs them up to 10% of their income. They use firewood for their kitchen stove. The family isn't saving any money. The next big thing they plan on buying is food supplies. They dream that one day they might be able to afford a better house. Their documents are their most prized possession.

Photo by: Zoriah Miller
All families in Colombia