Family 130, Thailand

Family 130

Family 130, Thailand
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Family 130

Family 130, Thailand
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Thailand. W is 39 years old and runs a camera shop. His wife R is also 39 years old and they have 2 children. They live in a 6-room house and have been living there for 27 years. The next big thing they plan on buying is a TV. Their dream is to someday be able to buy a new house.

The family lives in Thailand. W is 39 years old and owns a camera shop. He lives with his wife R, also 39 years old, and their two sons J, 10 years old, and O, 3 years old. W works for a total of 42 hours/week and also receive some monthly benefits. The family lives in a 6-room house, which they own and got built with the help of family and friends. They’ve been living there for the past 27 years. The house has reliable electricity, running water, and toilet facility. The family has to buy 70% of its food, which cost them about 30% of their income, and produce the remaining 30% themselves. They use electricity and propane for cooking in the kitchen. Safe drinking water is available inside the house. R spends 24 hours a week at an unpaid job or training. The family sometimes go on vacation and the furthest they have ever been was Guangdong, China. The next big thing they plan to buy is a television. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a new house.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in Thailand