Family 348, Italy

Family 348

Family 348, Italy
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Family 348

Family 348, Italy
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Italy. They are 4 adults. S is 22 years old and her sister N is 20 years old. They both are students. Their father, F is 62 years old and he is a retired pensioner. Their mother, M is 55 years old and she is a housewife. They live in a 3-bedroom apartment and like living here because of its high built quality and good size, but they dislike its lack of parking space. Their favorite item in the home is their family memories collection. The next big thing they plan on buying is books. Their dream is to go on a trip.

The family lives in Italy. They are 4 adults. S is 22 years old and her sister N is 20 years old. They both are students, and N also works as a teacher. Their father, F is 62 years old and he is a retired pensioner. Their mother, M is 55 years old and she is a housewife. The family lives in their 3-bedroom apartment and have been living there for 20 years. They like their apartment because of its high built quality and good spacious capacity, however, they dislike its lack of parking space. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, indoors toilet facility, and on-premises water supply. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. In the kitchen, they use natural gas for cooking. For drinking water, they use their home water supply which is safe for consumption. The family has been on vacations and has traveled to Bergen, in Norway on their furthest trip. Their favorite item in the home is the collection of their family memories. The next big thing they plan on buying is books. Their dream is to go on a trip.

All families in Italy