Family 192, China

Family 192

Family 192, China
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Family 192

Family 192, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. B is 74 years old and works as a farmer. She lives with her 2 family members in a 7-bedroom house. The family owns the house and have been living here for 2 years. They like the house because they grew up in the area and appreciate its surroundings and quality. Their most favorite item in the house is the buddha statue.

The family lives in China. B is 74 years old. She lives with her 44-year-old daughter, Q, and a 5-year-old grandson, L. The family members are sustenance farmers. Together they work for 105 hours every week. The family lives in a seven-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living there for 2 years. They like the house because they grew up in the area and appreciate its surroundings and quality. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoor water, and toilet facilities. The family also owns agricultural land on which they spend 105 hours every week on agricultural activities. The family purchases 80% of their food supplies; the rest comes from their own production. The food costs 30% of their income. Drinking water is available inside the house and costs up to 10% of their income. They use electricity to power their kitchen stove. The family is saving money for their future. The favorite thing in their house is the Buddha statue.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China